Ashley Crain, LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

Ashley Crain, LCPC is a therapist at our Champaign and Mahomet locations and sees individual clients age 12 and above. She has a Master's of Science in Counseling from Eastern Illinois University. She is a certified school counselor (Type 73 certification.)

How Ashley helps Two Roads’ clients

She strives for an experience that feels welcoming, warm, compassionate, and where each person feels heard.  Ashley enjoys counseling because every person matters and can benefit from having a strong support network.

It provides her joy to know that she helped make a difference in a person's life. She has worked with individuals that suffer from depression, anxiety, and adjustment issues extensively.

What it’s like to work with Ashley

Ashley takes a very holistic approach with clients. She believes in nurturing oneself physically and emotionally through the use of exercise, nutrition, and attending to self-care. 

Her desire is to help others and be a source of emotional support as they navigate the challenges that life brings. 

When Ashley is not working, she loves spending time with family above all else!