Summertime Fun

Isn’t everyone happy in the summer?

Why would someone be writing about having fun in the summer? I mean warm weather, swimming, cookouts, vacations, friends, the list goes on. People can become depressed in the summer? As Eddie Cochran sang back in 1958, “There ain’t no cure for the summertime blues.” Mental illness never takes a vacation, but it is planning its next place to visit.

What would contribute to summertime unhappiness or the blues?

  • Disruption in routine / schedule / habits due to vacation

  • Children being out of school which can increase money for daycare costs, or change in work schedule to accommodate the summer schedule

  • Change in sleep and eating habits due to disruption in routine

  • Not being able to participate in summer vacations or outdoor activities due to limited finances

  • Health reasons preventing participating in summer activities which could lead to isolation and sadness and feelings of loneliness

  • Anxiety or avoiding participating in some outdoor summer activities due to concern about physical appearance

  • The weather can be extreme like extreme heat or severe weather such as tornados, hurricanes (if you live in coastal areas)

If you experience any of these it can lead to the summer of stress and the summer blues.

How do I enjoy my summer and maintain a healthy sense of well-being?

1. Get active and get outside

Being outside provides us with Vitamin D that is effective in improving our mood and managing our stress. When engaging in these behaviors we must make sure we hydrate, we take breaks to avoid heat exhaustion, and COVER YOUR SKIN. Many of us like being tan but we also don’t want to put ourselves at risk. Try to spend at least 30 minutes each day, 3-4 times a week engaging in your favorite form of physical activity.

2. Create a summer routine

With school out and typical schedules thrown out the window for a few months, creating a simple and flexible “summer routine” can play a key role in helping the days run smoothly for both kids and adults! Even just keeping consistent sleep-wake times can leave you feeling calmer and more energized each morning.

3. Take time off

Summertime is usually the time for vacation, maybe reduced work hours or extending your weekends. Many of us will take vacation with family which could be a stressor so plan your vacation smartly and with the people that you enjoy. Remember this is a time for relaxation and even recovery. Make sure you enjoy it!

4. Learn to say no

Many people have busy schedules or have obligations they feel they can’t let go of. Take some time for YOURSELF by taking a calming walk, reading a book outside under a tree, enjoying the warmth of the sun and some refreshing cool, soothing ice water… It is important to do things to heal your soul no matter how small they seem.

If you have trouble with saying no remember the airplane analogy: whenever the oxygen mask drops in the plane, you put yours on first because you can’t help anyone if you are unconscious.

These are a few ways to help you have an enjoyable relaxing summer. Hopefully you are familiar with these suggestions. If you find you are having problems managing stress or find yourself feeling anxious, depressed, or unhappy you can see your primary care physician or contact your local mental health providers.

Have A Good Summer and Be Safe!

About Two Roads Wellness Clinic

At Two Roads Wellness Clinic, we want to help you find the path that makes a difference in your life. We’re an integrative health clinic offering a vast array of services including, mental health treatments such as EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), expressive arts therapy, family therapy, medication management, primary care, integrative nutritional support including genetic nutritional counseling, life coaching, massage therapy, physical therapy, infrared sauna services, community education and outreach, and more.

The Two Roads Wellness Clinic team of therapists, medical and nutrition staff, massage therapists, life coaches, physical therapists, and emotional support animals are ready to help you find an integrated approach to your wellness. To schedule an appointment, visit our contact page, to get started at one of our convenient locations in Champaign, Danville, or Mahomet.


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